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So, I'm sorry but there are things that are too important for me to devote free time to books right now. I'm sorry for the lack of comments and although I already had some posts scheduled, there won't' be a lot coming right away.  I'm not sure if most of you know but I am attorney - that's my real life. And because of the election, I have to channel my fear and my anger and sadness to something productive.  I am going to dedicate all of my free time to helping same sex couples draft documents for protection (for free) in the worst case scenario that their marriages are unfairly and wrongfully dissolved, rescinded or stolen. This is something I can do right now to help people. So I'm sorry I won't be around but my country needs me. I am HERE, however, if you want to talk, to discuss, to be angry.  We cannot be complacent. We cannot be silent. 

I had to channel my feelings and I ended up writing this on tumblr:

The New World

Don’t talk to me about healing
snatching a woman’s hijab off her head is not only condoned
but encouraged
when millions of Americans will be without healthcare
will be without preventive care
will be without any access to reproductive healthcare
and we will not be allowed to make any decision for own own bodies
medical marijuana patients will have no access to their medicine
marriages will be dissolved and stripped because they are not between a man and a woman
the only amendment that matters is the second
our right to a jury trial will be abridged to be replaced with corporate arbitrations and
the votes of people of color, indigenous persons and religious minorities count less than white people
discrimination in housing, hiring, the government and schools is not only overlooked
but cheered on
we will not be protected by the fourth amendment
we will not be protected by the first amendment
and hate crimes are being committed in the name of a president elected by less than a majority of the country
Please don’t tell us to shut up
to stop being sore losers
to suck it up
or that everything will be okay
Our existence is not merely being challenged
but erased
Don’t talk to me about healing


  1. I applaud you for standing up and saying you're going to channel your fear and anger into something positive. I've been looking for ways to do the same thing. It's a scary, strange new world we live in. We all have to figure out how to make it work for us and how to make it better for others. I wish you luck and hope to see you around sometime. :)

    1. Thanks Kim! And I will still be around, maybe just not reading a billion ARCs or commenting on every post! Just trying to do one small thing that may help

  2. You are amazing for doing something to help people out there and stand up for what you believe in. I will miss you being around so much but totally understand. I need to find a way to do something positive myself. ♥

  3. Eva, Nereyda and I have always loved and respected you, but by doing something so open, so positive, you have gained even more of our respect. I can't tell you how proud I am of you for doing so much good. America needs more people like you are who are willing to fight! All my love and best of luck! <3 My DMs are always open to you. Or you know if you use Whatsapp or Google Hangouts, DM me!

  4. As a queer woman, thank you so much. Your help and your words mean more than I can say.

  5. Thank you for sharing your poem with us and good luck with everything!!

  6. Eva, I love you SO. MUCH. First, you using your profession to help people... THANK YOU for that. I cannot thank you enough, I don't even have the words. Just know how appreciated you are. YOU are the kind of heroes we need more of right now. A million thank yous, my love ♥♥

    And your words brought tears to my eyes- and you know, down my cheeks, and all over my laptop. You are amazing, and incredible, and these words are just as beautiful as you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for inspiring us to fight as hard as we can. Love you, and I am here if you need to talk, too.

  7. Oh Eva, my thoughts are with you guys. I still can't believe this happened :( And hey, if you want to chat any time...

  8. I can't begin to imagine how difficult it must be for so many people right now, but Eva I totally commend you for what you do and will be doing for everyone around you. Good luck with everything and I'm here for you on Twitter if you ever need anything! x

  9. Eva, you are amazing for using your abilities to help those who need it during such a difficult and horrible time. We will miss you while you're absent, but thank you for standing up for others and for what you believe in. We need that right now.

  10. I'm glad that you've found a way to be a positive light in our country right now. Good for you!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  11. Massive respect for this. Truly spectacular and you are amazing! I know a lot of people will be grateful for your help, the best of luck and as a fellow bookworm, I feel proud to have people like you among us ♥♥♥

  12. It's so very nice of you to use your time to help others, Eva! I'm still so shocked by the results, and the prejudiced behavior his win has been inspiring! It's shameful! It hurts my heart. :(

  13. I think it's great that you're turning this into something so positive and wonderful, Eva! You're going to make so many people feel loved and safe, and that is AMAZING.

    May I share your poem on Facebook, with credit to you of course? I think it's bold and people on my feed need to understand what they've done. And this is better than anything I've tried to write the past few days. But I just wanted to ask for permission first. If it's not okay with you, no worries at all! Thank you for sharing it with us in the first place. :)

    1. Holly, thank you!

      Yes, of course! Share away - it's not perfect but it is representative of how I'm feeling

  14. I'm not an american but thank you so much

  15. What a beautiful and heartwrenching poem!!! I am so glad you are doing something so positive and helping others. Its definitely not an easy time, and there is so much hate right now, ( I stay away from facebook) Although I think with either of the candidates one or multiple of the amendments would be threatened. Its pretty scary not knowing whats going to happen. I think now is the time for American's to stand together and fight for the freedoms many have died for.

  16. Eva, I know you did not post this for any kind of kudos or recognition or pat on the back - but let me say that you deserve it. I'm hearing so many people who are angry and complaining and protesting but you are the first person I know who is actively *doing* something. Thank you for that. You are doing something that is going to impact so many people in an important way. Thank you.


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