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I love this trope, sub-genre, setting: Libraries and Bookstores!!

I Love This Trope, Sub-Genre, Setting is a new feature on my blog in which I discuss a trope, sub-genre or setting that I love and tell you about books that are shining examples of said trope, sub-genre or setting.  Feel free to play along and please let me know about your favorite books in this realm and whether you like this trope, sub-genre and/or setting as much as I do!
Today I am spotlighting the setting of: Libraries and Bookstores, which I would loosely define as any book that largely takes place at a library or bookstore or involves characters that work at a library or bookstore.

What could be more lovely to a book lover than a book with characters that also love books?!  I love this mix of genres with this setting -- cozy mystery, contemporary romance, UF, YA, romantic suspense, sci-fi. I know there are a ton of books that I'm missing/haven't read so please let me know!

Have you ever read a book set at a bookstore or library or involving characters that work at either?  Do you like this setting? Ask me any questions below or recommend to me your favorite library and bookstore books!


  1. I haven't read a ton of books with this setting, but I would always be down to read more. As a booklover, I can't think of a book w/ a better feature than more books!! The Time Traveler's Wife was one I liked w/ a librarian M/C. I thought that was cool. Also The Walls Around Us by Nova Ren Suma has a girl that works in the prison "library". Great topic :)

  2. I think I have only read a few books that take place in a library or bookstore but I have loved them. I do love when books have heavy bookish references. I really need to look into the ones up there.

  3. I love this as well! I have on my reading list The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend A Novel, by Katarina Bivald. I think I saw you recommend it? I just love your blog and am SO happy I found it! Thanks for all your recommendations.

  4. I i do love these settings too. My love for it started with Buffy. Always in the library.

  5. Goodnight June is one of my very favorite books ever!! Love it!!
    Wait, the Anne Bishop series - there's a library or bookstore?? Okay, I need to read it sooner.
    I love when a book talks about libraries or bookstores. It warms my little bookish heart. The new book by Julie Buxbaum - Tell Me Three Things - the girl works in a bookstore! And One True Loves by Taylor Jenkins Reid - same thing. ;)

    1. Yes, there's a bookstore where one of the main MCs works and it is actually the setting for a lot of funny scenes! That is awesome about both Tell Me Three Things and One True Loves!

  6. Oh what a fun feature idea! And YES, I love this as well and I see some of my most favorites on this list so double yay!

  7. THIS IS SUCH A FUN MEME OMG I MAY HAVE TO STEAL IT FROM YOU! And yes! I find that it is like... 10 more relatable if the man character is into books AS MUCH as I'm into them. :)

    Super fun post, Lovely! <3

  8. Fabulous feature! And oh my -- I have a problem when it comes to grabbing up books that take place in libraries or feature bookstores. I have so many of the above books on my shelves. Love this post :)

  9. I haven't read all that many with a library or bookstore setting. Often the MC is a booklover/avid reader but that's not the same. I love the idea of the setting, though. The only one I've read that you mentioned is Dash & Lily. Breathe by Kristen Ashley is on my TBR so now knowing it features a library or bookstore makes me even more excited for it!

  10. I didn't know Wrirten In Blood took black in a library or bookstore!! This makes me want to read it more! I loved Ink and Book, but the sequel is not as good...

    Lola @ Hit or Miss Books

  11. I love libraries or bookstores being featured in books! It's like being at your favorite place!

  12. Great Post!! I also love this trope, I just finished Library at Mount Char and it was a great read!! Haven't gotten to the other's but the Anne Bishop series, I'm super interested in!!

  13. Love this post! There's no better setting than a bookstore or library if you ask me. Goodnight June and Dash and Lily's were two I remember seeing and thinking they look good, but I haven't read them yet.

    Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore is another that takes place largely in a (very cool) bookstore. :)

  14. Totally time for me to recommend Air Awakens by Elise Kova!! Vhalla works in a library when the series starts, and LOVES books! I also NEED to read Ink & Bone. I feel like there's another one that I read recently that I am forgetting though. If it comes to me, I will let you know ;) Such a fun topic!!

  15. Howling Good Reads! I loved how much of a focus there is on the bookstore in that one. I clearly need to read more books with library/bookstore setting. I'm excited to try Ink & Bone sometime soon.

  16. Yes! I love this trope so much. Or when the character in a book is a writer. Anything incorporating book nerdishness into the book is a win for me! ;)

  17. I just have not read enough books where this takes place. But I do love this setting for a romance too. Most of what I have read dealing with bookstores have been historical. I am not sure I have ever read one with a library though---so need to change that. Love that you listed Kristen Ashley, love her work but still need to read Breathe.

  18. I've only read Written in Red on your list, but some of these like Ink & Bone are on my to-read list. I'll have to check the rest of these because this theme is one that I need to read more of. Have you read any of Victoria Dahl's contemporaries with librarians? There is even one with a librarian hero!

  19. I am embarassed to say I got nothing: not one book set in a library/bookstore. I feel like I've been missing out completely!

  20. I LOVE library/bookstore settings in books. They are so easy to picture, yes?

    I NEED to read Ink and Bone NOW because book 2 is coming very soon - yikes!!

    At a librarian conference I went to during BEA, Sourcebooks had the author of "Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend" talk about her book and how it was written and published in Sweden, then England and then finally translated to "American". I still need to read it but I'm bummed it only has 3.58 for reviews on GR. The author was so freakin' funny and adorable!!

  21. I've only read one of the books on your list – Dash & Lily's Book of Dares – and I adored it. The fact that it was set in one of my favorite bookstores in one of my favorite cities didn't hurt, of course. :) Love Overdue by Pamela Morsi is super cute, too. You should check that one out.

  22. Ya know, I really haven't read many books that take place/involve a library or a book store, although I am actually currently reading a book that involves a library book mobile. Which is pretty cool and good timing for your post, I suppose. It's a cozy mystery called Lending a Paw. Totally charming :)

  23. The two most recent books I reviewed that match this trope are:
    If I Speak True - the main character works in a bookstore
    School of Deaths - a hidden library is an important location in the story

  24. I haven't read many books that take place in this type of setting, but I love it when I find one! I also love books where the main character is an avid reader or a book blogger!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  25. I don't think I've ever actually read a book with a library or bookstore as a main setting. I do, however, love when any little scene happens in them. I just finished a book the other day in which some characters traveled to the afterlife, and they were walking about various different versions/rooms, and one of them was a giant library, which of course would be every bookworm's heaven lol. I'd like to read some books set in libraries/bookstores though!

  26. Dude, you forgot Georgina Kincaid! I love how the bookstore is a big part of the story and the setting. I want to work at a bookstore just so I can pretend to be Georgie :)
    I like this trope too!

    1. *HEADDESK*

      Omg, I had a list at home then drafted the post and forgot this!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. WHAT NEREYDA SAID! That was my thought after thinking, "I've only read one of the books on this list." WHERE THE CRAP IS GEORGIE?!? Haha! Love this feature, Eva!


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