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Review: Rachel Weiss's Group Chat by Lauren Appelbaum

Blurb from Goodreads:
Opposites attract in this hilariously cheeky, laugh-out-loud romantic comedy about feeling stuck, the importance of friendship, and learning to open your heart.

The year is already off to a bad start. It’s not enough that Rachel Weiss is stuck in a job she despises and has an unfortunate attraction to men who disappoint her. It’s the Year of Turning Thirty . . . and now her mother won’t stop trying to set up Rachel with the millionaire buying the house next door.

Luckily Rachel has amazing friends and their juicy group chat to keep her going. But amid work-mandated therapy, her thirteen gray hairs, and biking in the buff, she can’t help wondering why she isn’t moving forward like everyone else.

As Rachel’s life—and circle of friends—begins to fall apart, she confides in the last person she expects. The uptight, irritating—yet surprisingly funny and thoughtful—tech bro next door may be the one person who sees Rachel for the woman she wants to be. After random DMs turn into confessing letters, she begins to realize perhaps it was she who had him wrong all along.
I liked this VERY loose retelling of P&P even though Rachel is the least like Elizabeth Bennett heroine I've ever read.  It was still enjoyable and I was rooting for Rachel.  Many other characters were more recognizable as well as several plot points in this Seattle setting.  I enjoyed this one and I am sure you will, too if you like Austen retellings or just contemporary romance.

Rachel Weiss's Group Chat comes out next week on September 24, 2024 and you can purchase HERE.  
One week before Halloween, I got back on Tinder and matched with a guy who appeared to be mostly brawn, not much brain. He asked me to meet up at a mojito bar where an apparently "dope jam band" called Space Owl was playing. I told him I'd meet him there at eight. And then, as the time ticked nearer, I found that I didn't have it in me. Absolutely zero percent of my being wanted to meet up with some random guy. So I stayed on my couch and sent him a quick message saying I wasn't feeling well. I felt guilty for bailing on him but glad that I wasn't out there trying to shout-flirt with a stranger over live music.


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