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Review: You Belong with Me by Mhairi McFarlane

Blurb from Goodreads:
She found The One. But when everyone wants him, can she keep him?

Edie found true love. And on Christmas day, he's knocking at her door.

Elliot Owen is handsome, charming and basically Hollywood royalty. And, he insists, madly in love with Edie an ordinary citizen with Pret tomato soup stains on her coat. It’s going to be complicated. Edie will have to learn how to live in the limelight, but they’re just too good together not to try.

Edie discovers it's not easy when the press is the third person in your relationship, or when stories start leaking that force you to mistrust the motives of those around you. It's tricky when you're separated by an ocean and gorgeous co-stars and charismatic new colleagues are closer by. It's harder still when your past is raked up by envious people determined to destroy your present.

Edie already knows how it feels to be infamous, now she's going to find out what it's like to be famous.

Are she and Elliot a fairytale, or a cautionary fable about getting what you wish for?
What happens after that HEA?  This is what this book seeks to discover and describe and, unfortunately, it's not all peaches and cream.  I enjoyed this behind the scenes ever after relationship between a celebrity and a non-celebrity but it was almost too realistic at times?  It was not all hearts and roses but more a lot of misunderstanding and paparazzi.  Still, well written and if you like this author, you will enjoy this one!

You Belong With Me comes out next week on September 3, 2024 and you can purchase HERE.  
'Yesterday was magic, by the way, Edith, he said, 'I thought we must do it next year, then fretted: what if any of us aren't available to do it next year? This is a curse of the human condition. I've discussed it with my counsellor. Enjoy good times; don't become obsessed with prolonging and managing them. The only constant in life is change. You cannot step twice into the same stream.'


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