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Review: A Lady's Fortune by Jane Dunn

Blurb from Goodreads:
In Regency England, twenty-seven-year-old Leonora Appleby is considered by many – herself included – to be beyond her most eligible marrying years. With her childhood home, Hasterleigh Manor, soon to be taken over by the heir to the land, George Lockwood, Leonora has happily resigned herself to a quiet life as a country Miss.

But life has a way of springing surprises and the return of the brooding war hero Earl Rokeby, presumed dead on the French battlefields, to the magnificent neighbouring Rokeby Abbey has the village atwitter with speculation. Earl Rokeby has returned, scarred in mind and body, with news for Leonora’s best friend Charlotte Blythe – news that will change everything.

Now Charlotte and Leonora must travel to Town for the Season and take their futures and fate into their own hands in the whirl of balls, parties and gossip. But will either of them return to Hasterleigh with a husband and a fortune, and what other secrets does the devastatingly dashing Alistair Rokeby have up his silken sleeves…
This was good although I've enjoyed other books by this author more.  What stopped this from being as good as others (for me) was how Leonora couldn't trust her own judgment.  It was infuriating!  But I liked Chartotte and the other characters and the story progressed nicely.  Give it a try if you like regency romance!

A Lady's Fortune comes out next week on August 5, 2024 and you can purchase HERE.  
As she lay in a deep feather mattress, her gaze travelled around the palatial bedroom, the details just visible now the pale light was beginning to seep through the curtains. Her four-poster bed was hung with silk curtains frayed into ribbons at the edges but once beautiful. Pale yellow and embroidered with flowers and bees, they looked too fragile to pull closed and she feared she'd be enveloped in a cloud of dust if she did. The room itself was panelled and painted a pearl grey to which time only added an attractive smoky patina. It was restful to lie there warm and safe, and Leonora's mind returned to her beloved Hasterleigh and the Earl.


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