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Review: Malibu Summer by Libby Gill

Blurb from Goodreads:
Lose yourself in this opposites-attract romance set on a sunny Malibu hillside Ivy Bauer is a young, bright soil scientist and inventor of a game changing organic irrigation system. She’s on top of the world when, suddenly, her husband is killed in a biking accident. Needing space to grieve, she takes a summer job as a gardener in Malibu. Conrad Reed is a wealthy Hollywood has-been who, after the death of his wife, feels overwhelmed by the care of his anxious stepson Hudson, massive cliffside estate, and deteriorating career. He hopes Ivy will help take at least one thing off his plate. But the bossy, opinionated Ivy isn’t making things any easier for him. Sparks fly—and not the good kind. But it’s when Ivy finds the key to Hudson’s heart that Conrad’s own heart begins to melt as well—and then the sparks that fly are the ones that kindle the best kind of love affair . . .
My Review:

This was really sad and grief stricken, much more so than the cover or even the description would suggest.  I can't even really call it a romance because the characters were so odd and behaved so weirdly.  There was zero chemistry and I couldn't help but think this book would have been better off without the two meeting. I hope you have better luck!

Malibu Summer comes out next week on May 21, 2024, and you can purchase HERE.  
She flipped the page and frowned when she saw the note her investor, Alexandra Varsha, had scribbled in the margin, add humor here. Humor wasn't exactly Ivy's strong suit, especially when it came to her research. But Alexandra had practically beaten it into her that if Ivy wanted the backing to continue testing HydraHold, the irrigation product she'd invented, she'd better dazzle the agrigeeks from UC Davis. It hadn't been easy to get a Silicon Valley venture capital firm interested, especially in a product created by a female scientist, but Alexandra had seen how innovative-and potentially profitable HydraHold was.


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