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Review: Una, Unwanted by Elin F. Styve

Blurb from Goodreads:
When Una, a child of infidelity, as an adult decides to do everything she can to reunite with her father, it is with a sense that something important is missing in her life. The father is the well-known self-help expert MotivaTor, and Una follows everything he does through YouTube and social media.
Inspired by his encouraging life advice, she finds the courage to seek him out to become a part of his life, despite warnings from those closest to her.

MotivaTor's inflated self-image is nourished by the admiration he receives from his audience, but does it reflect his actual life and personality? Along the way in her quest for her father, Una realizes that everything she has dreamed of looks different than what she expected. When she gets to know her half-brother Kalle, her faith in her father takes a dramatic turn, and she makes a decisive choice.

A dark feel-good with Scandinavian flavour. Released in Norway in 2022, with brilliant reviews nationally.
My Review:

This book should have come with warnings for CSA. I was not expecting that and it should have been warned. I can't believe this book was described as "dark feel-good."  Trust me, nothing about this book was feel good -- it was dark from the beginning and utterly boring. I hope you have better luck!

Una, Unwanted came out earlier this year, and you can purchase HERE.  
Having a birthday on an ordinary Tuesday in the summer is as good as being invisible. It was boring when she was a child, too. Her mum always tried to gather the girls in her class around a decorated table in the little garden behind the house. Despite it being a holiday, some would show up for her parties. But they never quite buzzed with the vivacity of her friends' celebrations, where the parents circled around little dress-clad guests, conjuring games until laughter and excitement permeated the atmosphere.


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